Saja Vaccaro, HBA, R.Ac.Saja is a graduate of both McMaster University (Honours Bachelor of Fine Art and History) and the Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with an internship at the Dorothy Ley Hospice in Etobicoke. She has been practicing acupuncture since 2013 with a focus on acute and chronic pain management.
Though not the subject of her initial study, health and nutrition have always been integral to her working and personal life. Before being drawn to the practice of Acupuncture, Saja held positions at a psychiatric hospital, an assisted living centre, and as a chef specializing in limited allergen and medicinal diets. Since completing her diploma Saja has continued to grow and learn as a practitioner, auditing numerous continuing education courses on topics ranging from carpal tunnel syndrome to migraines. She firmly believes, as is taught in Traditional Chinese Medicine, that no health concern exists in a vacuum, and that holistic care is vital to the treatment of any disease. Born and raised in Ontario, Saja is a new transplant to the Valley. When not in the office, she can usually be found communing with goats on her 3 acre homestead, exploring the many mountains and beaches of the island with her dogs, or elbows deep in her kitchen. |